30 juli 2012

(scheduled post, since I'm still on Jamaica! yippee)

Red & Green food, there's just something about it...
favourites from pinterest:

Cherry tomato puff pastry tart. Red Berry Fruit Popsicles
Raspberry crepe cake.

Spinach and Taleggio Cheese Quesadillas  a couple cooks - spinach artichoke grilled cheese
asparagus salad + sesame chili lime dressing

all pics from Pinterest

27 juli 2012

Another scheduled post (Yes I'm still probably enjoying the sun, the great food and music on Jamaica)

Tattooes I love:


The placement

sailor theme by Guy Le Tattooer

love animal tattoos

Obviously I have a thing for black & grey tattoos right now..

25 juli 2012

As I'm thousands of miles away, on Jamaica, probably having a swim in the sea, or a cocktail on the beach or a bbq, I thought it would be fitting to look at some of the 2012 Swim wear from my favourite designer Mara Hoffman!

Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012

Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012

Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012
Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012

Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012

Backstage Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012

Backstage Mara Hoffman #MIAMISWIM2012

22 juli 2012

I'm trying to pack, have to clean the apartment & the rest of the night I will just relax and get some take away Indian food ...my favourite!
So early, early tomorrow morning I'm off...the flight goes from Copenhagen airport, to London, then further on to Miami where we finally get the flight that will take us to Montego bay, Jamaica!
Finally, I'm going back to my roots, to see where my dad grew up, and also one of my sisters....so looking forward to it..
So the blog will be a bit empty the coming weeks (I'm back again the 16th), but I have been scheduled  a few posts, and also I might be updating a few posts on how things are on Jamaica, if I find good internet connection somewhere...

lots of love!

21 juli 2012


This is beautiful, isn't it:

"It's impossible" said pride,
"It's risky" said experience,
"It's pointless" said reason,
                                                                                               "Give iat a try" said the heart.

So Tjallamalla wrote about us in their blog yesterday!
That's so great, and also, I left the necklaces in the Malmö store , so they're gonna sen some to the Gothenburg & Stockholm store aswell!

19 juli 2012

I can see there are some returning visitors here, even from England & US...that makes me happy!
I'm so curious to know who you are!

Anyways, some of my newest inspirations from Pinterest:

garden dress. by juliette hogan

18 juli 2012

Idag var så himla fint! Ännu en utflykt på Österlen, illsammans med Elisabeth. Vi åkte till Simrishamn den här gången och gick till Apotekarns café som vi blivit tipsade om, thank god. För herregud vilket mysigt café med trädgårdsbutik & marockansk inredningsbutik....
Sedan åkte vi vidare till Baskemölla till ännu ett café/keramikateljé med underbar havsutsikt över hela byn.
Där ska jag bo. Om några år har jag ett hus på Österlen med rosenbuskar och en båt i hamnen. Fan vad fint.

/Today was a wonderful day! We took another trip to Österlen (the east coast of this region). We went to Simrishamn and found a great café with a garden shop with moroccan porcelaine...such a nice place, Apotekarns trädgård... Then we went on to Baskemölla for another great café/ceramic atelier, with a beautiful view over the village and the sea...
I'm definately moving to Österlen when I'm older. I want to have a house with a garden full of roses, and a little boat in the harbor. It is so gonna happen./

So I finally edited the pictures from my trip to Ystad last week with Elisabeth..
We're off tomorrow again, this time going to Simrishamn or some small places around there! Österlen, the are on the east coast fo this region, is just so beautiful..Definately getting a house there when I'm rich....heh

Ystad is a really old & beautiful city with houses in different colors and lots of rose bushes outside


We found this WONDERFUL café , called café helsa på! visit it, if in Ystad

They had the best cardamom rolls I've ever had....and I've had a few

And Elisabeth was satisfied with her raspberry pie

Inside of the café

Went down to the beach to shoot some of the pictures you've seen for my look book..

And that was Ystad! Lovely town..

16 juli 2012

sorry for bad blogging today, I'm just really busy with making more necklaces so I can give them to the shops before I leave...Today I went into the chandlery (sailing-equipment store), and the guy who worked there yelled out "Here comes the girl who makes jewelry!" and then he kept kidding about me buying 2-3 m of rope, where as most people buy like 20 m......Must be weird for them knowing I make jewelry from boat rope..

Anyways, tonight the thought hit me - in one week I'm on my way to Jamaica (I'll try to blog some from over there)....I've been wanting to go to Jamaica since..forever..My dad was born there, but gre up in England and almost never goes back..So now me , my dad & two of my sisters will go next week, and I almost can't believe it..good food, good music, beach, surfing, hiking, mountains, family gatherings.....back to my roots..

(These are the blue mountains, where my dad grew up..can you imagine?..it's also where the most expensive coffee in the world comes from)

15 juli 2012

So, today I got some wonderful news! 
Some of my necklaces will be sold at Tjallamalla soon!
For you none Swedish people, Tjallamalla is a store in our 3 biggest cities, which sells creations from upcoming designers (and also a few already famous designers), mixed with vintage & jewelry..love it!