11 oktober 2012

Såhär har min senaste vecka sett ut genom Instagram!
/My week through Instagram/

My kitchen after the renovation. It kind of still looks like that, cause Im too lazy to put all the things back. Although, there is always time for organizing my shoes...

Made a bouillabaisse (fish/seafood soup) last Monday. Delicious. Brought it with me to school the day afterwards, for lunch. Not so delicious. Couldn't stand it, how weird is that?

Yesterday I got my capoeira training pants! And my capoeira name; Morena.
Found these chairs at a flea market today. Love them so, so much...did you know it's my birthday soon?

Dinner before samba class; macaroni with butter & ketchup. seriously, so damn good. haven't had this since I was a kid.
Dinner after samba class: Gnocchi with cramy mushroom & walnut sauce. Heavenly.

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