16 juli 2012

sorry for bad blogging today, I'm just really busy with making more necklaces so I can give them to the shops before I leave...Today I went into the chandlery (sailing-equipment store), and the guy who worked there yelled out "Here comes the girl who makes jewelry!" and then he kept kidding about me buying 2-3 m of rope, where as most people buy like 20 m......Must be weird for them knowing I make jewelry from boat rope..

Anyways, tonight the thought hit me - in one week I'm on my way to Jamaica (I'll try to blog some from over there)....I've been wanting to go to Jamaica since..forever..My dad was born there, but gre up in England and almost never goes back..So now me , my dad & two of my sisters will go next week, and I almost can't believe it..good food, good music, beach, surfing, hiking, mountains, family gatherings.....back to my roots..

(These are the blue mountains, where my dad grew up..can you imagine?..it's also where the most expensive coffee in the world comes from)

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